How to Create a veFlywheel
Maverick v2 makes it easy to create a veFlywheel like the native veMAV flywheel for any other token. While this is a specialist feature designed with token projects in mind, it is entirely permissionless like all actions enabled by Maverick v2.
A token project may be interested in creating their own veFlywheel in order to give users a reason to stake incentives received and use them in governance and to direct further matching incentives to Boosted Positions. With a few clicks, the project can create a veToken for their token and take advantage of the matching and staking features in Maverick’s ve system to build and reward their token’s community.
Create a veToken
Creating a veToken is very straightforward. On the testnet there is a very limited range of tokens, and most (if not all) will already have a veToken created by other users. When Maverick v2 goes live on mainnet and L2s, any token that can be added to the Maverick UI will be available for use in creating veTokens.
To create a veToken, choose Manage Incentives from the More Actions menu at the top of the screen, then click on the Match Incentives tab.
Click the Create Ve Token button. A modal will appear, listing all the tokens in the UI that do not currently have a veToken. Select the token you want to use and click the Confirm button.
Create an Incentive Matcher
Now a veToken exists, you will need to create the incentive matcher contract for the underlying token. This is necessary to complete the flywheel by enabling matching incentives to be directed to Boosted Positions enabled with your veToken.
If necessary, return to the Match Incentives page by choosing Manage Incentives from the More Actions menu at the top of the screen, then clicking on the Match Incentives tab.
Click the Create Incentive Matcher button. A modal will appear, listing all the tokens in the UI that do not currently have an Incentive Matcher. Select the token you want to use and click the Confirm button.
With these two actions, the foundation of your veFlywheel has been established. Now all you need to do is select or deploy at least one Boosted Position and make sure it has a reward contract that includes the veToken you just created. These steps are covered in this section of the docs.
Last updated