How to Manage a Boosted Position

This page explains how to manage a Boosted Position, including claiming rewards and removing your liquidity.

Once you have added liquidity to a Boosted Position, you will find a new card on the Portfolio page representing that liquidity. Boosted Positions are easily distinguished from regular liquidity positions by the lightning bolt icon that appears next to them in the UI.

The card for a Boosted Position looks similar to the card for a regular position, but has an additional information row listing any rewards accrued to that Boosted Position and a button to claim those rewards. Rewards only accrue to a Boosted Position if someone has added incentives to that Boosted Position and those incentives are actively being distributed.

Claiming Rewards

You can claim the rewards earned by a Boosted Position directly from this page by clicking the Claim Rewards button. The UI will ask you to confirm the claim, and then send an approval request to your wallet. Confirm the request there, and any rewards will be sent to your wallet.

Because you can claim rewards at any time, you should always balance the gas fees associated with claiming rewards against the amount available to claim. Rewards will not expire, so you can wait until the balance between available rewards and gas fees is in your favor.

Staked vs. Unstaked Boosted Positions

As explained in the guides to joining and creating Boosted Positions, when you add liquidity to a Boosted Position you receive LP tokens representing your proportional share of it. These form the basis of your claim on the incentives directed to that Boosted Position. In order to earn and claim incentives, these LP tokens need to be staked in the Maverick rewards contract. Since most users will join Boosted Positions to earn Maverick incentives, these LP tokens are set to auto-stake when you add liquidity, but users can choose not to stake LP tokens if they have another use for them (e.g., on an external gauge).

Unstaked positions appear slightly differently on the Portfolio page. They have an "Unstaked" label, and do not list rewards or have a Claim Rewards button. You can unstake or stake Boosted Positions at any time using the Manage button on a Boosted Position's card.

Because the options for managing staked and unstaked Boosted Positions are slightly different, we will deal with them separately below.

Managing a Staked Boosted Position

Most users on Maverick will likely have a staked Boosted Position, since LP tokens are set to auto-stake when adding liquidity to a Boosted Position. When you click Manage on a staked Boosted Position, you will be taken to the Manage Staked Liquidity page.

There are four buttons on this page:

  • Claim Rewards - works like the Claim Rewards button on the Portfolio (see above)

  • Add Liquidity and Stake - used to add more staked liquidity to the same Boosted Position; clicking this will take you to the same page used to add liquidity to the Boosted Position

  • Unstake and Remove Liquidity - click this button to unstake your LP tokens and redeem them for your liquidity and fees in the Boosted Position

  • Unstake LP tokens - click this button to unstake your LP tokens but leave your liquidity in the Boosted Position; unstaked Boosted Positions will continue to earn trading fees but will not earn incentives

Unstake and Remove Liquidity

If you wish to remove your liquidity from a Boosted Position, you will first need to unstake LP tokens. Clicking Unstake and Remove Liquidity will activate a flow that takes you through the required steps in order.

You will first be asked to choose how much of your LP tokens you wish to unstake and remove. You can use the slider to select a percentage, up to 100 (which will unstake and remove everything). As you move the slider, you will be shown a preview of how many LP tokens you will be unstaking and how much of the liquidity they represent you will be removing.

Choose how much LP tokens to unstake and remove and click the Confirm button. This will open a modal that will walk you through the steps required to complete the operation.

First you will need to unstake the LP tokens. Click the Unstake button to send a request to your wallet. Approve the transaction there, and your LP tokens will be unstaked. Next, the dApp will determine if you need to approve the LP tokens for removal.

Please note, the first time you remove LP tokens from a Boosted Position, you will be asked to Approve those particular LP tokens. Each Boosted Position has a different LP token. Approving a token requires you to confirm the choice in a your software wallet. You may also need to set an appropriate spending allowance. Read more here.

If required, click Approve and confirm the approval in your wallet. Once the LP tokens are approved, you are ready to remove them. Click Confirm and confirm the transaction in your wallet. When the transaction is complete, the selected LP tokens will be burned and the proportional amount of liquidity sent to your wallet. If you removed all of your liquidity from this Boosted Position, the relevant card should disappear from the Portfolio page.

If there were any rewards left on this Boosted Position, you will now be asked to claim them. If you wish to claim the rewards, click the Claim Rewards button and confirm the transaction in your wallet.

If you do not claim any remaining rewards at this stage, you will not be able to claim them in the future. Make sure to claim any rewards you wish to keep before leaving this page.

Unstake LP Tokens

Click the Unstake LP Tokens button to unstake your LP tokens for use outside Maverick while leaving your liquidity in the Boosted Position. If your LP tokens are unstaked, your liquidity will continue to earn trading fees but will not earn incentives. You can always re-stake your LP tokens later if you want.

When you click Unstake LP Tokens, the UI will ask you to choose how much of them you want to unstake. You can use the slider to choose a percentage up to 100 (which will unstake all of your LP tokens for this Boosted Position).

Choose how much of your LP tokens to unstake and click Confirm. Confirm the transaction in your wallet. When the transaction is complete, the LP tokens will be sent to your wallet and you will find a new card in Portfolio representing your unstaked liquidity in this Boosted Position.

Managing an Unstaked Boosted Position

The options for managing an unstaked Boosted Position are simpler, since the LP tokens for this position are already unstaked. On this page you will find three buttons:

  • Add Liquidity - used to add more staked liquidity to the same Boosted Position; clicking this will take you to the same page used to add liquidity to the Boosted Position

  • Stake LP Tokens - click this to stake LP tokens into the Maverick rewards contract and earn incentives

  • Remove Liquidity - click this to remove underlying liquidity from the Boosted Position completely

Stake LP Tokens

This process works much like Unstaking LP Tokens described above, only with the opposite result: LP tokens are staked into the Maverick rewards contract to earn incentives. When you click this button, the UI will ask you to choose how much of your LP tokens you want to stake. You can use the slider to choose a percentage up to 100 (which will stake all of your LP tokens).

Choose how much of your LP tokens to stake and click the Confirm button.

Please note, the first time you stake LP tokens, you will be asked to Approve those particular LP tokens. Each Boosted Position has a different LP token. Approving a token requires you to confirm the choice in a your software wallet. You may also need to set an appropriate spending allowance. Read more here.

Approve the tokens if necessary, then click the Confirm button in the modal. Approve the transaction in your wallet. When the transaction is complete, your tokens will be staked in the Maverick rewards contract. You should see a new card for a staked Boosted Position in the Portfolio page (or if you already had one for this Boosted Position, the balances on that card will increase).

Remove Liquidity

This process works much like the Unstake and Remove Liquidity flow described above, but with fewer steps since the LP tokens are already unstaked and there are no rewards to be claimed.

When you click Remove Liquidity, the UI will ask you to choose how much of your LP tokens you want to remove. You can use the slider to choose a percentage up to 100 (which will remove all of your LP tokens). As you move the slider, you will see a preview of how much of the underlying liquidity from this Boosted Position will be redeemed in this transaction.

Choose how much liquidity to remove and then click the Confirm button.

Please note, the first time you remove LP tokens, you will be asked to Approve those particular LP tokens. Each Boosted Position has a different LP token. Approving a token requires you to confirm the choice in a your software wallet. You may also need to set an appropriate spending allowance. Read more here.

Approve the tokens if necessary, then click the Confirm button in the modal. Approve the transaction in your wallet. When the transaction is complete, the selected LP tokens will be burned and the proportional amount of liquidity sent to your wallet. If you removed all of your liquidity from this Boosted Position, the relevant card should have disappeared from the Portfolio page.

Last updated