
Security audits do not eliminate risk completely. Please read and agree to our Terms of Service before using Maverick's apps or smart contracts.

Maverick v2

The Maverick v2 contracts have been audited repeatedly by trustworthy auditing firms. Any issues identified in the audits have been addressed. You can find the full reports from each of the audits below.

Open Zeppelin, 5/7/24

Hunter Security, 3/10/24

Omniscia, 5/13/24

Maverick v1

The Maverick v1 AMM smart contract has been audited repeatedly by trustworthy auditing firms. Any issues identified in the audits have been addressed. You can find the full report from each of the audits at the links below.

In addition, the smart contract was subject to a Code4rena bug bounty contest in December 2022. You can find the report from the contest here.

Last updated