How to Create a Boosted Position

This page will explain how to create a new Boosted Position on Maverick.

The flow for creating Boosted Positions in Maverick V2 is different from that in Maverick V1. Even if you are familiar with V1 Boosted Positions, it is recommended to read this page in its entirety to understand the differences between V1 and V2.

Any user can create a new Boosted Position on Maverick by clicking the Create A Boosted Position button on the Add Incentives tab of the Manage Incentives page. The Manage Incentives page can be accessed from the More Tools menu in the UI's top menu.

In Maverick V2, Boosted Positions are created by cloning existing liquidity positions in the user's portfolio. This change was made to solve the pain-point in V1 where a user would potentially have to create a pool and then a separate liquidity position to make a Boosted Position, thus saving them gas.

When you click the Create A Boosted Position button, you will be taken to a page showing the existing positions in your Portfolio that are eligible for cloning. If you do not see any positions there, you will need to create them by either adding liquidity to an existing pool or deploying a new pool.

Select the position in your Portfolio that you wish to clone and click Clone to Boosted Position. This will take you to the second step of the flow.

In the next step, you will be asked to seed the new Boosted Position with some liquidity. Since most users will be creating a Boosted Position with the aim of attracting outside liquidity, it isn't necessary to use more than a token amount at this stage. Use the numeric fields to choose how much liquidity to add. The token amounts are dictated by the current ratio of the tokens in the position, which in turn is dictated by the configuration of the position and the price of its pool. Click Next to proceed to the next step.

As explained in Understanding Boosted Positions, each Boosted Position has at least one reward contract, which receives and distributes incentives to LPs in that Boosted Position. An LP will stake their Boosted Position LP tokens into the reward contract to earn their rewards. In this step of the flow, you must configure the initial reward contract for your Boosted Position.

A Boosted Position's reward contract can include up to five reward tokens. If a token is not included in the reward contract, it cannot be used to incentivize the Boosted Position. You should therefore select all the tokens you might conceivably use as incentives at this stage. Otherwise, you might have to deploy a new reward contract at a later date, which risks fragmenting liquidity as LPs can only be staked in one reward contract at a time (learn more).

To choose your first reward token, use the drop-down menu under Reward Token 1. To add another reward token, click the Add Reward Token button and use the drop-down menu to select it. Repeat this process to add more tokens.

For each reward token, you can choose whether or not to include its ve Token. Any token can have a ve Token if it is deployed through the Maverick veFactory, but not every token will have a ve Token. If you opt to include the ve Token, that means this token's incentives will be included in its respective veFlywheel and be eligible for matching and other ve dynamics (provided that veFlywheel exists now or in the future). You can also effectively opt-out of a given veFlywheel by not including the ve Token. For more information, see Understanding the veFlywheel.

If you want your Boosted Position to participate in the Maverick veFlywheel, you must select MAV as one of the reward tokens and you must select Include ve Token for MAV. Without these options selected, your Boosted Position will not be eligible for MAV incentives and/or will be ineligible for matching emissions from the veFlywheel.

Once you have finished selecting reward tokens, click Confirm Tokens to proceed. This will open the confirmation modal, where you will be walked through verifying and approving your chosen tokens (if necessary), adding your seed liquidity, and deploying your reward contract.

If for any reason you do not deploy the reward contract at this stage, you can deploy it later from the Add Incentives page. Without a reward contract, your Boosted Position will not be able to receive or distribute incentives.

Please note, the first time you add tokens to a Boosted Position, you will be asked to Approve that particular token. Boosted Positions use a different contract, so you will need to approve tokens even if you have already Approved them elsewhere in the dApp. Approving a token requires you to confirm the choice in a your software wallet. You may also need to set an appropriate spending allowance. Read more here.

You do not add incentives to a Boosted Position when you first create it. This is done in a separate step using the Incentivize page. For more detailed instructions, see How to Add Incentives.

Last updated