Withdrawing Unclaimed Rewards

Before you withdraw your liquidity from a Boosted Position, you should claim any rewards your liquidity has accrued. You can do this from the Portfolio page. When you Unstake and Remove Liquidity from a Boosted Position, you will also be prompted to claim any unclaimed rewards at the end of the flow.

Once you have removed liquidity from a Boosted Position, it is no longer possible to claim rewards using the dApp UI. However, it is still possible to claim rewards directly from the rewards contract.

On Ethereum mainnet, you can use Etherscan to make the necessary contract calls to claim rewards. Here you will find complete instructions for doing so. The process has four steps:

1. Find the rewards contract for your Boosted Position

Each Boosted Position has its own rewards contract. In order to claim rewards from a particular Boosted Position, you will need to find its individual rewards contract address. This can be found in the UI, by clicking this icon on a Boosted Position’s page:

You will be presented with a dropdown menu:

Click on Rewards Contract. The contract will be opened on Etherscan.

2. Check the contract to see if you have unclaimed rewards

On Etherscan, click the Contract button, then the Read Contract button.

Now click on the list item labeled 3. Earned. Paste your wallet address into the account (address) field and click the Query button.

The Etherscan query will return a comma separated string that looks like this: [walletaddress,rewards,rewardstokenaddress]

If you have unclaimed rewards, there will be a unix value for rewards (in the screenshot above, it is the number 45483424315680076). If you do not, the query will return 0.

3. Find the tokenIndex for your unclaimed rewards

If you do have unclaimed rewards, you will need to find the correct tokenIndex number in order to claim them. The reward token address was the third value in the string that the query returned (in the screenshot above, it is 0xC02aaA39b223FE8D0A0e5C4F27eAD9083C756Cc2). Copy the address from your query to your clipboard.

Now scroll down the page click on the list item labeled 10. tokenIndex. Paste the reward token address into the input field, and click the Query button. The query will return a number, which is the tokenIndex you will need for the next step.

4. Claim your rewards from the contract

Now you have everything you need to claim your rewards from the contract. Go back towards the top of the Etherscan page and click the Write Contract button.

Click on the list item labeled 2. getReward. Paste your wallet address into the recipient field, and type the tokenIndex number from step 3 into the rewardTokenIndex field.

Click the Write button. If the data is correct and you had unclaimed rewards, this action should claim them to your wallet.

Last updated